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来源: fbe-china.com作者: Kenny Fu时间:2019-10-05 09:00:12点击:6588


P-MEC China 2013将紧随医药市场变化,围绕“创新、智能、环保”这一主题全面展示先进的制药设备、包装机械与材料和环保与洁净技术,引领行业发展步伐,积极助推制药产业持续做大做强。

国际制药机械专区(W5馆),汇聚了众多国际领先制药机械品牌,如BOSCH, ROMMELAG, CHANGSUNG,SKY, HOSOKAWA,Saint-Gobain,Pall, Anest,WIKA,Patricia,Matcon, Frewitt, Navector, Jumo, RIECKEMANN等企业,让您不出国门即可一览国外产品和技术风采。此外,W5馆还集聚了国内知名原料药机械及配件企业,如佳发、华大、CSE、日泰、迪尔、科诺德、天富等均已成为展会的忠实参展企业。

制剂机械馆(W4馆)中,奥星、千山、楚天、东富龙、新华、天祥健台、华通、亚光、国药龙立等耳熟能详的制剂机械生产企业将到会亮相。随着制药洁净新时代的到来,此馆同期再次重磅推出EP Clean Tech China(制药环保与洁净技术展)。


新版GMP实施已近两年,但目前通过认证的企业仍不足,后期压力凸显。如何进行质量安全控制?如何消除生产瓶颈、、降低成本、加速技术改造进程?P-MEC 2013制药工程论坛将邀请行业内专业人士为您排疑解惑,以独特的视角为您提供最有价值的行业发展信息。

Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceuticals(Revised in 2010)puts forward higher requirements, which will promote the development of domestic pharmaceutical engineering. At present, many pharmaceutical companies are in a stage of transformation and upgrading, so that a lot of the budget will be put into the updates of pharmaceutical equipment and materials. It will also bring more opportunities for pharmaceutical equipment companies.

P-MEC China 2013 will focus on the theme of Innovation, intelligence, environmental protection, display advanced pharmaceutical equipment, packaging machinery, materials, environmental protection and clean technology.

International Pharmaceutical Machinery Zone in Hall W5 , brought together a number of leading international companies, such as BOSCH, ROMMELAG, CHANGSUNG, SKY, HOSOKAWA, Saint-Gobain, Pall,Anest, WIKA, Patricia, Matcon, Frewitt, Navector, Jumo, RIECKEMANN. In addition, well-known domestic API machinery companies, such as Jiafa, Huada, CSE, Ritai, Dier, Kenod, Tianfu have become the loyal exhibitors.

Preparation Machinery Zone in Hall W4, attracted well-known exhibitors, such as Austar, Chinasun, Truking, Tofflon, Shinva, Tianxiang,, Yaguang, GYlongli. Meanwhile, EP Clean Tech China 2013 will continue to scale up, focusing on clean technologies and environment-friendly solutions in pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmaceutical Packaging Zone in Hall W3, focusing on pharmaceutical packaging equipment and materials, followed the quality and innovation position, will converge more excellent enterprises to show their newest technologies, products and services.

The new revision of drug GMP has been implemented for almost two years, but the certified enterprises still be short. How to setup an effective quality control program? How to eliminate production bottlenecks, reduce costs, and accelerate the transformation process? P-MEC 2013 Pharmaceutical Engineering Forum will invite experts to share their ideas to make a unique perspective for you.

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